
Up until now, you've probably only been exposed to one interpretation of the evidence. You owe it to yourself to find out what creationist scientists really believe and not just what others say we do (propaganda).
As with any topic, I strongly suggest you understand what the creationist claims are before trying to make or understand arguments for or against.

The Creation Answers Book The Creation Answers Book isn't intended to convince you of anything, but simply to answer the most common questions about the creationist worldview. I recommend reading it before anything else on this list. You can read/download it for free (or you can buy it). Or you can just read/download the parts you're interested in, since it's divided into different questions you might have (or might not have thought to ask). It's a very introductory book, so the science isn't too heavy. For expanded information, it uses footnotes to refer to more in-depth articles online.
Creation Ministries International More answers can be found by doing a search at CMI's website, Much of what they say might surprise you.
Answers in Genesis Even more answers may be found by doing a search at AiG's website,
Walter Veith If you want to watch something amazing, unbelievable but very controversial, watch Dr Walter Veith's personal testimony. When people first watch it, they tell me things like, “At first, I didn't think I could keep listening to this guy because he seemed so boring at the start. But then I did and it was the most exciting story I've ever heard! It totally blew my mind!”.
Ron Neller Here is a preview for Flood or Folly which is a video of Dr Ron Neller's personal testimony. His story is quite backwards to what you might expect. In the full video, Ron explains how he was a reputable geomorphologist who hadn't read the Bible, had virtually no Christian infuence, and didn't want to know God if He existed. All he knew and loved was his training, which taught him to interpret all evidence within a gradualistic/uniformitarian framework (to assume the millions of years required by evolution). In spite of all this “education”, the pure evidence he saw in the field convinced him that the oldest fossils and geological formations we see today must have been caused by a recent world wide flood, rather than millions of years of slow geological processes. He argued this long before he became a Christian. When he did eventually meet God (which is a whole other story he also tells), he then finally read the Bible and discovered that it also describes the same world wide flood.
The Greatest Hoax on Earth? If you've ever read anything by Richard Dawkins (or even if you haven't), I would love to know what you think of Jonathan Sarfati's book, The Greatest Hoax on Earth?.
The Genesis Debate Although I don't generally recommend debates for getting a grasp on a topic, Carl Wieland summarizes certain topics quite concisely in his opening of The Genesis Debate.
CMI's Shop There are many short videos which you might enjoy even more on CMI's You Tube channel, and you can find many more fantastic best sellers, DVDs and other resources at their online store. I don't work for CMI or anything... they just have heaps of awesome resources, written by hundreds of scientific experts from many different fields all over the world.

What did you check out, and what did you think? Please tell me. I'd love to know!